CCU Soccer Tournament 2024
5000 Participants
2 weeks tournament
mental health & Sports approach
A healthy adolescent development requires good mental health because it
helps young people develop positive social, emotional, intellectual, and
communication skills and behaviours. In order to combat stigma and
break down social barriers that prevent young people in Gulu City/District
from seeking help, Children Care Uganda is starting a grassroots mental
health campaign through its community outreach program by organizing a
soccer tournament. The campaign will focus on the three "As" of
Awareness, Advocacy, and Action. Its goal is to increase the knowledge​ and awareness of mental health among youth in Gulu City and Gulu
Key Highlights
The tournament is scheduled from 23th October to November 10th 2024
Target Area & Beneficiaries
Youth: Both non-school going and school going in Gulu city will be the
campaign target and football clubs will be targeted to play the
To raise awareness of mental health issues among the youth in Gulu
City/District and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health.
The campaign will use play-and-learn approach to educate young people about mental health and provide them with peer support opportunities.
Key mental health activities
Mental health match
Mindfulness practice
Mental health camp
Have basic easily accessible mental health​ information