a child
School sponsorship

minimum term 1 year
for vulnerable children livingwith or without disabilities
44€ / month
School and exam fees
Scholastic materials
Medical Care for your sponsor child
Relationship Building:
Video message for your birthday
Possibility for video calls
Letter exchange between you and your sponsor child
Transparency of child's career (if consent provided)
Option to visit child in Uganda
be a
for more information or to register as a sponsor please fill our form
CCU Short term

For vulnerable children to be able to play soccer and have a warm breakfast
55€ (once)
At the soccer pitch homeless children and boys & girls, who can't go to school, find a place where they learn to work as a team, that they belong and where they receive counselling.
With sponsoring a child you provide porridge for it at every training session, as well helping us to maintain training materials and make it possible for the child to participate in tournaments.
Be Part of it:
Children Care Uganda Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE50 7905 0000 0048 7790 86
PayPal: deutschland@childrencareuganda.org
"Soccer Sponsorship"
If you send us a message, we will be able to send you a sponsorship certificate!
english / german
Skill training
For vulnerable young mothers,
youth and young adults
110€ (once)
Our tailoring program, hair dressing and carpentry courses enable young mothers, youth and young adults, who dropped out of school because of poverty or early pregnancy to engage in activities, where they learn vocational skills, to live a self-sustainable life.
Combined with our program for mental health which includes training, psychosocial support, counselling and home visits, the young people are enabled to gain "hope for a better future" in their lives.
To make the courses accessible they are free of charge.
With YOU being a sponsor of one young person, you will help us paying her training materials and 10% of the salary of
the vocational trainer. Thank you for your support!
At the end of the course they are sent out with a package to being able to open their own, small business.
Be Part of it:
Children Care Uganda Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE50 7905 0000 0048 7790 86
PayPal: deutschland@childrencareuganda.org
"Skills Training Sponsorship"
If you send us a message and provide us with your email address, we will be able to send you a letter from the person you sponsored towards the end of a course.

english / german